Café Avyssinia, 7 Kynetou St., Avissinias Sq.
tel.: 210 321 7047 - a classic spot with Greek specialties City Bistro CityLink Restaurant, Spyromiliou Arcade, Downtown
tel.: 210 321 1315 Food Mafia Sin City, 4 Voukourestiou St., Syntagma
tel.: 210 324 8062 FNL Best Restaurant Awards 2016 GB Roof Garden, Hotel Grande Bretagne, 1-A Vas. Georgiou, Syntagma
tel.: 210 333 0766 FNL Best Restaurant Awards 2016 Quartier d’ Athènes, 7 Paleon Patron Germanou, Aghion Theodoron Sq.
tel.: 215 500 3850 Scala Vinoteca, 50 Sina St., Downtown
tel.: 210 361 0041 FNL Best Restaurant Awards 2016 Syggrouomeno, 57 Falerou Street, Acropolis-Koukaki
tel.: 210 922 7270 - excellent Breakfast & Lunch, Greek and Mediterranean co-op bistro Theio Tragi, 36 Kydantidon St., Ano Petralona
tel.: 210 341 0296 - punk bistrot - modern intl. cuisine Vezene, 11 Vrasida St., Hilton area
tel.: 210 723 2002 FNL Best Restaurant Awards 2016 |